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Do you have a problem with pain pills or other opioids (e.g heroin, methadone)? If so, you may want to consider treatment with buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone, Zubsolv). This treatment program is only offered by doctors with specialized training and is a DEA-monitored program. We are here to help you with a treatment plan for opiate dependence and help you understand if Suboxone is a good treatment plan for you. If you choose to participate in our Suboxone program, you will need to follow a structured set of rules and appointments that have been designed to optimize your recovery.




Some facts about Suboxone:

  • Suboxone is the combination of buprenorphine (partial opioid agonist) and naloxone (opioid antagonist – Narcan). The combination is either 2mg/0.5mg or 8mg/2mg.

  • Subutex and Buprenex are other forms of buprenorphine which we do not prescribe

  • Suboxone is a sublingual film that dissolves under the tongue

  • Zubsolv is a sublingual pill that dissolves under the tongue

  • the only FDA indication for Suboxone is for maintenance therapy for Opioid Dependence

  • Suboxone has a 37 hour half-life

  • most of our patients take two films (16mg) a day, the usual dose is between 8-16mg a day

  • at 16mg daily, 93% of the opioid receptors are blocked in the average person

  • the most common side effect of Suboxone is headache, for which you can take ibuprofen or Tylenol

  • you cannot take opiates (e.g. oxycodone, hydrocodone) or benzos (e.g. Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan, Valium) while taking Suboxone

  • if you have insurance your co-pay would be the same of any trade medication











Call 919-239-4041 for informatation or to schedule your appointment!







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