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The Hidden Mental Health Crisis in America’s Schools: Millions of Kids Not Receiving Services They Need

Millions of American students suffer from mental health problems, and only a fraction are receiving necessary treatment, warns a brief from the American Institutes for Research.

And the prevalence of mental health problems appears to be growing. Sixty-two percent of college students reported feeling “overwhelming anxiety”over the previous year in 2016, up from 50 percent just five years prior. More alarming still, hospitalizations for mood disorders among children ages 17 and under leaped by 68 percent between 1997 and 2011. Read more

Forgotten Soldiers: Memorial Day, Veterans, & Mental Health

This Memorial Day we ask you to not only honor those who have died serving our country, but to support and honor those who are currently fighting on the front lines of their own minds. Please do not forget about them. They have far earned the respect and care they deserve. The more we keep talking about mental health, the closer we are to removing the stigma.  Read entire article here

May 10 - National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day

Awareness Day 2018: Partnering for Health and Hope Following Trauma is on May 10. This year’s national observance focuses on the importance of an integrated health approach to supporting children, youth, and young adults with serious emotional disturbance who have experienced trauma. For more information and downloadable graphics, visit the continually updated Awareness Day 2018 page

During National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month this May, the nation celebrates the progress made in teen pregnancy prevention. SHIFT NC is committed to engaging youth, families, and communities in implementing programs proven to work and developing new and innovative approaches to continue the nation’s historic progress in preventing teen pregnancy and ensuring that youth are healthy and thriving.

To learn more about SHIFT NC, Click Here.

This Is How It Feels to Live with Severe Anxiety
Eleanor Morgan
This article originally appeared on VICE UK.


My anxiety disorder can make me feel like I'm trapped in a cyclone of negative thoughts and fear. But thanks to the right treatments and techniques, I've discovered how to live my life.


As part of the human body's acute stress system, the "fight-or-flight" response works by stimulating the heart rate, dilating air passages, and contracting blood vessels—all of which increase blood flow and oxygen to the muscles, so we can be ready to run away from something life-threatening: a wild mammal, a fast car, a dangerous person. As physiological responses go, it's pretty important. Only, sometimes, we short-circuit a bit.


Charles Darwin, who for years was reported to have suffered from crippling panic disorder that often left him housebound, argued that, to a degree, it is highly evolved to be "on alert" most of the time. But the fight-or-flight response, as explained by Mark Williams and Danny Penman in Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World, "isn't conscious—it's controlled by one of the most 'primeval' parts of the brain, which means it's often a bit simplistic in the way it interprets danger. In fact, it makes no distinction between an external threat, such as a tiger, and an internal one, such as a troubling memory or a future worry. To read more click here.

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, focused the attention and energy of the United States on the “global war on terrorism” and the Nation's security. This was further emphasized by the anthrax attacks of 2001, the response and recovery efforts of the 2004 Southeast Asia tsunami, the multiple hurricanes that struck Florida in 2004, and hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005. Natural and human-made tragedies (e.g., war) have demonstrated the extent to which our national infrastructure can be threatened, damaged, or destroyed by disasters. These events have emphasized the important role of our public health and public safety first responders—including uniformed services, military and public health, and state, local, and volunteer first responders—in protecting our nation's citizenry in the aftermath of disaster. More

David M. Benedek, Carol Fullerton, and Robert J. Ursano

Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress, Uniformed Services University School of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland 

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